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Lidar Filter is a sister company of Infrared Coatings, manufacturer of opaque black inks and paints which are transparent to infrared light. This unique characteristic enables technological breakthroughs in a variety of fields including barcode concealment, security card enhancement and covert identification. Lidar Filters are coated with Magic Black, which restrict non infrared light, making 800-1400 Nanometer devices more efficient.
lidar filter light IR transmission




We make flat, 10 mil filters in any shape or size, with custom, self-adhesive glue. Call us at 1-800-582-1554 or email us at for pricing based on size, shape, glue configuration and quantity.

If you want to purchase filter material to make your own experimental filters, CLICK HERE.

lidar filters


For information or to place an order, please call 800-582-1554

800-598-0584 Fax 870-895-3229 EMAIL
Lidar Filter, 9967 Hwy 9 North, Mammoth Spring, AR 72554
Lidar Filter is a subsidiary of Anytime Sign, Inc.